Caprice and I met at School in Grade 7, thinking back I've always thought of her as this sweet and cutesy gal that was always smiling in the halls and carrying text books that looked bigger then her. Today as I think of Caprice I think she is truly one of the sweetest people I have ever met. She is a wonderful and dedicated Mother who stands up for what she believes and who doesn't have anything bad to say about anything. She still always seems to be smiling and with a laugh that makes me smile just looking at her face.
Thanks so much Caprice, you are absolutely gorgeous! Enjoy!!! :D

wow amazing...
Caprice you are absolutely gorgeous! I have the prettiest cousin.
Thank you so much Jenilee! You really are SO talented! I don't know how I am going to pick photos.
Jenilee! These are amazing!!! I can't wait to come and play with our camera's! and you can show me a thing or two!
I can't wait either EXCITED! :)
Thanks everyone! :)
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